Sunday, September 28, 2008

#63 - Give Davinci a Bath Monthly!

Today we spent all day playing with Davinci, taking him on an extra long hike, swimming in the pool, and giving him a much needed bath. Ryan got Davinci before I was around and he sure is cute, BUT cocker spaniels are incredibly smelly dogs if you don't groom them weekly (we groom him monthly) so be warned if you ever think about getting one! He is cute and very sweet though - he doesn't even put up a fight when we gave him a bath!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Our Tree and First Mission Accomplished

#26 Ryan and I completed our first 101 mission; we successfully planted a tree in our front yard! Ryan's friend Pete gave us the tree for a house warming gift, so it was the perfect opportunity to complete something that was both manageable and earth friendly. Right now the tree is quite small as you can see, but it is expected to grow 20-30 feet, so we will see if that happens! Yay for checking something off the list!