Sunday, March 15, 2009


Sorry I haven't posted in awhile! I need to get better about posting regularly! SO, it's been awhile and I hope everyone who reads this is happy and healthy. We are here!

Some of the things Ryan and I have been working towards on our 101 List include decorating the pool area / patio, preparing for Nana Joy's 80th (2 weeks away), and working out to get closer to our health goals. We need to start picking up the pace on our list!

One thing we did last week that was lovely was take a quick sojourn to Savannah, GA. I have always wanted to go to this town that is only a three hour drive away. We were there for just one night and two days and that was the perfect amount of time to be there. It's a town that is made up of twenty-something squares. We happened to go when the weather was sublime, so we explored all the squares by foot, including the one featured in Forrest Gump where he is sitting on the bench. Besides exploring, we also took a fabulous trolley tour where we learned interesting tid bits such as...
1. The founder of Girl Scouts is from Savannah
2. The bar from the movie Something to Talk About where Julia Roberts finds Dennis Quaid cheating on her is a popular Irish Pub in town
3. The town is supposedly haunted
4. Paula Dean got her start here
The main thing we did while we were there was EAT! We had great Southern style food such as Macaroni and Cheese, peach cobbler, fried green tomatoes, and oh so much more! It was so delicious!
So, we not only completed one of our 101 items, but we had a splendid time while venturing around Savannah! Bye ya'll! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey ter! your trip sounds fabulous--i love mini-trips like that. good to finally see an update :)