Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Nana Joy's 80th!

Ryan and I accomplished a very special item on our 101 List. Two weekends ago, we hosted seventeen family members from out of state to celebrate Nana Joy's 80th birthday party. Everyone from Nana Joy's immediate family, including her brother and sister in law, her kids (my Aunt Susie and mom), and their kids and husbands (the cousins) all came in for a quick, but fun weekend of family. We played games, had a ping pong tournament, watched home videos and a slide show prepared by Uncle Tom, chatted, ate, went to the beach, and of course, partied. It was super fun to have everyone in town. It would have been sad if all 17 people left all at once, but they left in small groups from that two Sundays ago until Easter Sunday. I wish I lived closer to my immediate family (besides Ryan's side) and Nana Joy and Grandpa John in Delray Beach, so maybe one day!!! Hope everyone is happy and healthy. xoxoxo

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